In 2013, during the make up session of photoshoot,...
...Daniel had the idea for starting his own juice company after one of the models he was photographing gave him a taste of her healthy – but extremely expensive – pressed juice drink. Although healthy, the taste wasn't the most palatable.
That very evening he started research on juice making, with the mission of producing a health conscious, great tasting beverage delivered at a reasonable price. This was the birth of— Wake up Juices! It was suppose to be the game changer, but he quickly discovered why these pressed juices were so expensive. Coupled with the laborious task of preparing and extracting the juice, one would end up with only a trickle of liquid extracted from a pound of vegetables. So it was back to the drawing board.
After a few weeks of brainstorming, Daniel realized that he had the answer all along. Growing up, his father, who was affectionately known as Stapey, would make these wonderfully tasting juices throughout the year. These juices would become the platform on which Stapey Beverages would stand. Almost over night his clientele grew from a few friends sampling his various flavors of drinks, to hundreds making orders which he would deliver every weekend.

We aim to produce and deliver...
...the highest quality beverages available on the market. Bridging the gap between healthy and great taste with natural ingredients.